Fabric Composition: Textile Fiber Abbreviations
Discover the meaning of the acronyms related to the fibers used in our fabrics.
Discover the meaning of the acronyms related to the fibers used in our fabrics.
A list of the most iconic wedding dresses ever. To each bridal gown follows a short description which focuses on the kind of fabric used.
Find out what is drape and why fabric drape is one of the most important factors to consider when constructing a garment.
Read our guide to discover the most recommended fabric for making wedding gowns, among all available fabrics: silk. Shop online for our Italian bridal fabrics.
The basic weaves of a fabric are: Solid – also called tabby weave or taffeta -, Twill and Satin. Discover them all.
In our Fabric Textile Glossary you can find definitions and detailed descriptions of all types of fabric for clothing, tailoring and fashion available on new tess online shop.